RNA Secondary Structure Prediction using Nussinov Algorithm

Nussinov Algorithm

The Nussinov algorithm is an RNA secondary structure (folding) prediction method using a dynamic programming approach. Ruth Nussinov introduced this algorithm in the year 1978. It involves computing a two-dimensional (2D) diagonal matrix with the same sequence at both dimensions. The scores are given based on complementary (1) or non-complementary (0) matches of characters. Matrix solving consists of three stages (i) initialization, (ii) matrix-filling, and (iii) trace-back of arrows for structures.

\(\style{ color: blue; } {\begin{array} \\ \text{RNA sequence, } S=a_1a_2a_3....a_{l-1}a_l \\ \begin{align*} \\ \!\!\!\!\! \text{where,} \\ & a=\text{characters (A, U, C, G)} \\ & l=\text{length of the sequence} \\ \end{align*} \end{array}} \)

In this tutorial, I have taken a sample RNA sequence (S) as GGGAAAUCC for prediction.


The initialization step is to preset the diagonal cells with zero (0) values to perform matrix filling.

\(\style{ color: blue; } {\begin{align} M_{i, i-1}=0 \text{ where, } i=2 \text{ to } l \\ M_{i,i}\quad =0 \text{ where, } i=1 \text{ to } l \\ \end{align}} \)


PS: Here, the diagonal row (Mi,i-1) in the matrix is considered for initialization purpose only.

Matrix Filling

The matrix-filling step should be performed using the formula below. The matrix cells are filled with maximum scores and pointers while solving the formula.

\(\style{ color: blue; } {\begin{array} \\ M_{i, j} = \max \begin{cases} M_{i+1, j} & i \text{ unpaired } (\downarrow) \\ M_{i ,j-1} & j \text{ unpaired } (\leftarrow) \\ M_{i+1, j-1} + s(a_i,a_j) & i, j \text{ paired } (\swarrow) \\ \underset{i \lt k \lt j} \max \lbrace M_{i, k} + M_{k+1, j} \rbrace & \text{bifurcation } (\downarrow,\leftarrow) \end{cases} \\ \begin{align*} \kern-1em \text{where,} \\ & s(a_i, a_j) = 0, \text{ if } a_i \text{ and } a_j \text{ are non-complement} \\ & s(a_i, a_j) = 1, \text{ if } a_i \text{ and } a_j \text{ are complement} \end{align*} \end{array}} \)

The maximum score determines the structure of the RNA sequence. There are four possible chances of structures based on the scores.

RNA Foldings

An example,

\(\style{ color: blue; } {\begin{array} \\ M_{4,7}=\max \begin{cases} M_{5,7} \\ M_{4,6} \\ M_{5,6}+s(a_4,a_7) \\ \underset{k \in (5,6)} \max \begin{cases} M_{4,5}+M_{6,7} \\ M_{4,6}+M_{7,7} \end{cases} \\ \end{cases} \end{array}} \)

\(\style{ color: blue; } {\begin{array} \\ M_{4,7} = \max \begin{cases} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0+s(\text{A,U}) \\ \max \begin{cases} 0+1 \\ 0+0 \end{cases} \\ \end{cases} & = \max \begin{cases} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0+1 \\ \max \begin{cases} 1 \\ 0 \end{cases} \\ \end{cases} & = \max \begin{cases} 1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\ \end{cases} & = 1 \end{array}} \)

\(\style{ color: blue; } {\begin{array} \\ M_{4,7}=\text{pointers} \begin{cases} M_{5,7} \ (\downarrow )\\ M_{4,6} \\ M_{5,6} \ (\swarrow) \\ M_{4,5} \ (\leftarrow), M_{6,7} \ (\downarrow) \\ \end{cases} \end{array}} \)

The completed matrix-filling is below.

Matrix Filling

Trace Back

The secondary structure of the RNA sequence can be predicted by tracing back the arrows from the right-most cell in the first row towards to half-diagonal in the matrix. There can be many possible structures. The best optimal structure is predicted by tracing arrow having high scores or diagonal arrows (↙) in the cell.

The final completed trace-back matrix with pointers by preferring high scores is below.

Trace Back

The RNA secondary structure by tracing the pointers is below.

RNA Structure

The secondary structure for the RNA sequence GGGAAAUCC in bracket-notation model is .(((..))).

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